How to make a simple braid using a disc
Cardboard packaging, scissors, a pencil and some knitting yarn or embroidery thread in several colours.
- Cut a circle from cardboard and cut eight small slots or notches equally around the edge to make a braiding disc.
- Push a pencil through the centre to create a hole.
- Choose 7 strands of yarn or thread approximately an arms-length long.
- Tie the ends of the strands in a bundle.
- Poke the knot through the hole in the middle of the braiding disc and spread the strands between the notches. There will be one empty notch!
- Hold the disc in your non-writing hand, with the empty notch pointing towards you.
- Count the third string up from the empty notch (count anticlockwise if you are holding the disc in your left hand, clockwise if you are holding the disc in your right hand).
- Unhook the third string and move it down into the empty notch.
- Rotate the disc so the empty notch is facing you again and repeat, taking the third strand up and moving it down to the empty notch.
- After a while the braided cord will start to appear from the back of the disc. Give it a gentle tug occasionally to stop it from bunching up.
- Continue until the braid is long enough to wrap around your wrist with some spare for knotting.
- When you are ready to finish your braid, remove the threads from the notches and tie all the strands together with a knot.
- Either tie the ends together in a bow that can be undone or create a sliding knot so you can get it off your wrist.